Save the date for the conference „Surpassing the Limits in Orthodontics” hosted by the Lithuanian Orthodontic Society in partnership with the Baltic Orthodontic Association. The conference will take place on 16-17 November 2024 in Vilnius, Lithuania and will offer a unique platform for more than one hundred orthodontic professionals to engage with cutting-edge topics and advancements in the field.
Throughout the conference, esteemed international speakers and experts will delve into a wide range of critical themes, including the intricate relationship between orthodontics and periodontics, the potential links between facial musculature and orthodontic treatment, and the latest techniques for achieving optimal finishing outcomes.
Participants will also have the opportunity to explore topics such as segmental orthodontic mechanics, the biomechanical challenges of impacted canines, and the integration of orthognathic surgery with aligner treatment. Additionally, discussions will address the boundaries and limitations of aligner therapy, offering strategies for recognizing and overcoming challenges encountered during treatment.
The event will serve as a dynamic platform for knowledge exchange, providing valuable insights into bridging the gap between research and clinical evidence in clear aligner therapy, as well as practical tips and tricks for utilizing splints effectively in orthodontic treatment.
We invite specialists in the areas of orthodontics, orthognathic surgery, restorative dentistry, periodontology and TMJ management to join this international event, where collaboration and innovation converge to push the boundaries of orthodontic care and treatment.
16 November | Saturday
08:00-08:50 Registration and Welcome coffee
08:50-09:00 Opening
09:00-10:00 Segmental orthodontic mechanics prior to aligner treatment (Manuel Nienkemper)
10:00-11:00 Finishing 2024 (Stefano Troiani)
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
11:30-12:20 Face Myo and orthodontic treatment: is there a link? (Vita Mozūraitienė)
12:20-13:15 Mesializers and distalizers- a critical view (Manuel Nienkemper)
13:15-13:30 Panel discussion (Manuel Nienkemper, Stefano Troiani, Vita Mozūraitienė)
Moderators: Jurga Liatukienė, Andrius Pocevičius.
13:30-14:30 Lunch
14:30-15:30 Impacted canines: biomechanics to stay out of trouble (Stefano Troiani)
15:30-16:30 Bridging the gap between research and clinical evidence in clear aligner therapy (Vincenzo D’Antò)
16:30-17:00 Coffee Break & Poster exhibition powered by Grand Ortho
17:00-17:50 Orthognathic surgery and aligners (Pedro Costa-Monteiro)
17:50-18:20 Skeletal asymmetry: a closer look at the condylar growth and remodelling (Simonas Grybauskas)
18:20-18:45 Panel Discussion (Stefano Troiani, Vincenzo D’Antò, Pedro Costa-Monteiro, Simonas Grybauskas )
Moderators: Jurga Liatukienė, Andrius Pocevičius.
20:00 Angel Aligners: Gala Night Extravaganza
(Venue: Aludariai Story Cellar, Aludarių str. 3, Vilnius). Dress code: extravagant.
17 November | Sunday
09:00-10:00 Ortho perio or perio ortho: what do we know about periodontitis? (Eglė Zasčiurinskienė)
10:00-11:00 TMJ and Orthodontics – A synergistic approach (Sachin Chhatwani)
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
11:30-12:20 Temporomandibular Joint Management – Splints and Ortho Implementation (Sachin Chhatwani)
12:20-13:15 Treatment of skeletal Class II in adult patients with aligners (Juan Carlos Varela)
13:15-13:30 Panel discussion (Eglė Zasčiurinskienė, Sachin Chhatwani, Juan Carlos Varela).
Moderators: Dalia Smailienė, Rūta Almonaitienė
13:30-14:30 Lunch
14:30-15:30 Treatment of skeletal open bite with aligners (Juan Carlos Varela)
15:30-15:40 Clinical Case Presentation (Ugnė Tutlienė)
15:40-16:40 Limits of aligners- recognize and overcome! (Giorgio Iodice)
16:40-17:10 Coffee Break
17:10-18:00 Aligners and TMJ – there is a link (Dalia Latkauskiene)
18:00-18:15 Panel Discussion (Juan Carlos Varela, Giorgio Iodice, Dalia Latkauskiene)
Moderators: Dalia Smailienė, Rūta Almonaitienė
18.00-19:00 Farewell

- Médico Dentista pela FMDUP 2002
- Pós graduado em Ortodontia ISCS-norte 2007
- Mestre em Ortodontia e Ortopedia Facial pelo ISCS-norte 2009
- Vice presidente da Sociedade Portuguesa de Alinhadores Dentários (SPAD)
- Membro activo da European Orthodontic Society (EOS)
- Speaker, KOL & Board member Angel Aligner
- CEO Master Aligner online academy
- CEO growth orthodontics
- Prática exclusiva de Ortodontia na cidade do Porto desde 2002.

Dr. Vincenzo D’Antò received his Degree in Dentistry, a Specialty in Orthodontics, a Master in Temporomandibular Disorders and a Master in Lingual Orthodontics from the University of Naples Federico II and a Master in Sleep Dentistry from University of Bologna. He completed a PhD in “Materials and Structures Engineering” and a second PhD in “Oral Sciences”. In 2017, Dr. D’Antò received the Italian national scientific qualification as full professor of Oral Sciences and He is currently working as associate professor at the School of Orthodontics of University of Naples Federico II.
Dr. D’Antò is member of IADR, EOS, AAO, WFO and SIDO, and the Past President of the Italian Society for Biomechanics (SIBOS). He authored many papers and has given oral presentations in more than 20 countries and at the international congresses of EOS, AAO, IADR, SIDO, EAS, DGAO, SFOPA, SiAlign, NVvO, HOD. Dr. D’Antò received the Robert Frank Award (2004, 2005, 2009) and the Hatton Award (2006) of IADR, the SIDO award (2007, 2010, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022, 2023), the EOS Houston Award (2012) and the Tiziano Baccetti Award (2016).

Vita Mozuraitiene, physiotherapist/ osteopath, founder of „FaceMyo” clinic.
For many years, she has specialized in the treatment of TMJ, and myofunctional therapy. Works in a team with dentists and orthodontists. She is a lecturer of seminars for physiotherapists, massage therapists, dentists and orthodontists in Lithuania and abroad.

Stefano Troiani graduated at the University of Aarhus (DK) orthodontic program and received his MSc in Orthodontics in 2003. He has maintained a private practice in Denmark from 2003 to 2017 and in Germany from 2008 to 2023.
He has worked as Clinical Assistant Professor at the Dept. of Orthodontics of the University of Aarhus from 2005 to 2007. He has been the scientific director of the Alpe Adria Face Master held at the University of Graz, Ljubljana and Zagreb in 2012-2013.
He has been consultant orthodontist at the department of maxillo-facial surgery of the hospital of Sønderborg (Denmark) from 2008 to 2009 and the university hospital of Odense (Denmark) from 2008 to 2017.
He is currently in private practice in Switzerland and serves as advisor for orthodontic industry.
Dr Troiani has held more than 150 orthodontic lectures and courses worldwide.

Graduated in Medicine and Dentistry, University of Santiago de Compostela, Dr. Juan Carlos Pérez Varela is a Doctorof Medicine and Surgery from the University of Santiago (1995). He attended the Orthodontic Specialist Course at the University of Valencia under the direction of Professor Antonio Canut Brusola, then extended his studies in the U.S., where he carried outextensive work as a researcher at universities in Ohio and California.
He completed his doctoral thesis in Ohio and was the first Spanish man to receive the Houston Award from the European Orthodontic Society for research work focused on the movement thatoccurs in the teeth after placing an orthodontic appliance. Dr. Pérez Varela has achieved clinical accreditation, both nationally and internationally: Spanish Board of Orthodontics (Diplomat Member of the Spanish Society of Orthodontics. St. Sebastian, 2000), European Orthodontics Board (European Society of Orthodontics. Helsinki, 2009) and Latin American Board of Orthodontics (Board of Iberamerican Orthodontic Society. Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, 2010). Since 2008 he has been a member of the prestigious Angle Society of Europe, Göing. Austria.
He was president of the V Meeting of the Spanish Association of Specialists in Orthodontics (Madrid, 2000). He also chaired the 49th Meeting of the Spanish Society of Orthodontics (James 2003). In 2007, he was awarded the Moriyón prize granted by the Spanish Society of Orthodontics and was nominated in Madrid, President of the Spanish Association of Specialists in Orthodontics (AESOR). In 2010, he was awarded the Jose Antonio Canut prize during the Congress of the Spanish Society of Orthodontics held in Murcia. He is a member of the editorial board of the journals “Spanish Orthodontics” and “Clinical Orthodontics”.
Currently Dr. Pérez Varela is Professor of Orthodontics at the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Santiago, Master Visiting Professor of Orthodontics at the University of Santiago, Valencia, Oviedo, Catalonia International, Sevilla and co-director of Advanced Training in Orthodontics courses (SWOT). He is the author of numerous publications, book chapters, as well as nationally and internationally dictated courses and lectures. Dr. Pérez Varela´s orthodontist practice is unique in its sector and has clinics in the cities of Santiago de Compostela and Ourense.

- Postgraduate degree in Orthodontics in 2005 (Clinic of Orthodontics, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences)
- PhD (2018) at Jönköping University, Sweden. Thesis title “Studies on Orthodontic Treatment in Subjects with Periodontal Disease”
- 2020-2022 post-doctoral project on the impact of periodontitis on the development of secondary malocclusions and need for orthodontic treatment (funding from European Social Fund; No 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-19-0024)
- Since 2007 lecturer and since 2022 Associate Professor in the Clinic of Orthodontics at Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
- 2022 – 2023 researcher in the project analyzing radiographic (CBCT) alveolar bone changes during orthodontic treatment (Department of Maxillofacial Radiology, Sahlgrenska Academy, Institute of Odontology, Gothenburg University, Sweden).
- 2024 – supervisor of doctoral student (Department of Maxillofacial Radiology, Sahlgrenska Academy, Institute of Odontology, Gothenburg University, Sweden)
- Active researcher, where research interests include clinical and radiographic (CBCT) changes of orthodontic treatment in subjects with periodontal disease and gingival recessions. Has published a number of scientific articles on the topic and presented oral presentations in European Orthodontic Society meetings also seminars for postgraduate students and continuing dental education both in Lithuania and Sweden
- For more than 10 years works in a private practice with a team treating adult patients and patients with periodontal disease and thin gingival biotype. Since 2021 owns private practice, where works with a multidisciplinary team
Sachin Chhatwani, Germany

Dr. Sachin Chhatwani is a dedicated orthodontic specialist based in Lüdenscheid, Germany with an academic appointment as a supervising orthodontist at the University of Witten/Herdecke. He completed a comprehensive two-year modular training program with the FACE Group, focusing on functional and cosmetic excellence. Dr. Chhatwani contributes to the orthodontic field as a member of the editorial boards for both the German orthodontic journal „Kieferorthopädie”, (Quintessenz, Berlin) and the „Journal of Aligner Orthodontics” (Quintessence Publishing, London).
He also serves on the board of the German working group for craniomandibular and musculoskeletal medicine. His research interests include the application of 3D imaging in orthodontics and is also focused on craniomandibular and musculoskeletal medicine. Clinically, Dr. Chhatwani employs a functionally oriented treatment methodology, which is executed with fixed appliances or aligners. His work was recently recognized with a research award in the field of interdisciplinary treatment at the annual congress of the German Orthodontic Society.
- 2001 – 2006 – Study of Dentistry
- 2006 – 2008 – Dentist and Oral surgery resident
- 2008 – 2011 – Orthodontic resident (among others University of Giessen, Germany)
- 2012 – 2021 – employed Orthodontist in private clinics
- Since 2016 – Senior Orthodontist at University of Witten/Herdecke (Head: Prof. Dr. Gholamreza Danesh)
- Since 2021 – Partner in private orthodontic practice, Lüdenscheid, Germany
Manuel Nienkemper

- 2020 Active member of the “Angle Society of Europe”
- Since 2016 Own orthodontic office in Düsseldorf, Germany
- Visiting lecturer, Department of Orthodontics, University of Düsseldorf, Germany
- 2015 Employed Orthodontist at the private practice Dr. Ludwig/Dr. Glasl, Traben-Trarbach, Germany
- 2015 Habilitation (Stability of orthodontic mini-implants over the initial healing period)
- 2011-2015 Assistant Professor, Department of Orthodontics, University of Düsseldorf, Germany
- 2009 German certification as specialised Orthodontist
- 2006-2009 Postgraduate Student, Department of Orthodontics, University of Düsseldorf, Germany
- 2005-2006 Scientific Assistant, Department of conservative dentistry, University of Münster, Germany
- 2005 Doctoral thesis (animal study regarding Osseointegration of dental implants)
- 1999-2005 Dental School, University of Münster, Germany
Author of over 60 publications, over 90 national and international lectures and author of 35 scientific poster, reviewer of 8 scientific journals, member of the editorial board of “Kieferorthopädie” (Quintessenz), co-editor of “Informationen aus Orthodontie und Kieferorthopädie” (Thieme)
- Twice awarded by the German Orthodontic society (Best research out of private practice; best Poster award)
- 2022 Advancement Award of the German Aligner Society
- 2023 Elite Grants Award of the International Orthodontics Foundation
Scientific interests: skeletal anchorage and biomechanics
Giorgio Iodice

Giorgio Iodice received the degree in “Dentistry”, the Specialty in “Orthodontics” and the PhD in “Oral Sciences” from the University of Naples “Federico II”. He received the Certificate of Excellence in Orthodontics in Italy (Italian Board of Orthodontics) and the E.B.O. (European Board of Orthodontics). Honorary Senior Lecturer and Clinical Tutor at the University of Naples Federico II and at the University of Otago (New Zealand), he is Vice President 2024-2026 of the Italian Board of Orthodontics (IBO), past-President 2020-2022 of the European Begg Society of Orthodontics (EBSO), past-President 2020-2021 of the Italian Association of Specialists in Orthodontics (ASIO).
Past-President of the Italian Society of Aligners (SIALIGN), provisional member of Angle Society of Europe (ASE), active member of SIDO, EOS, SIBOS, AIDOr and ASIO. Member of the IBO examining committee in 2013, 2015 and 2017, and of the SIDO Model Display examining committee in 2014. Certificated for the Incognito lingual technique in 2009, from 2012 he is Clinical Professor at the Incognito Master in Naples. In 2017 he attained the Master degree in Lingual Orthodontics and in 2020 in Temporo-Mandibular Disorders. Exclusivist in orthodontics, his main clinical and research interest are focused on the characteristics of treating adult patients, temporary anchorage devices (TADs) and the relationship between occlusion and temporo-mandibular disorders. Referee of several national and international journals, he has been author of book chapters and numerous publications in national and international journals, as well as speaker in international congresses and university masters.
Dalia Latkauskienė

Dalia Latkauskienė graduated cum laude from Kaunas University of Medicine, Department of Dentistry in 1999. After graduation, she continued her studies in Orthodontics at the same university. She obtained her specialist in orthodontics with honors in 2002. Dalia Latkauskiene has applied for Phd degree in 2004 and also continued as a lecturer for postgraduate programs in orthodontics in 2006-2007. She defended her Phd thesis „Herbst- effects on jaws and dental arches in growing Class II patients“ in 2013. Dalia Latkauskienė was working as clinical instructor for postgaduate orthodontic students in Lithuanian University of health sciences from 2020-2023.
Dalia Latkauskienė is an international speaker. She has presented lectures, seminars and continuing education courses on crowned Herbst appliance, mixed dentition treatment, aligner treatment, adult orthodontics, multidisciplinary treatment and combined orhodontic-orthognatic treatment (together with maxillo-facial surgon S. Grybauskas DDS, MD, Phd) to dental and orthodontic organizations as well as conferences mostly in European Union, Russia and some other Eastern European countries. Dalia Latkauskienė has held in-office courses for local and foreign participants on the topics listed above.
She is author and co-author of several papers in international peer-reviewed journals.
Dalia Latkauskienė is a president of Lithuanian orthodontic society since 2021. She is a board member of European Aligner Society since 2022.
Since 2002, Dalia Latkauskienė has been in full-time private practice. Currently she is practising in orthodontic center in Kaunas.
Simonas Grybauskas

Simonas Grybauskas graduated from Kaunas University of Medicine and acquired his Dental degree in 2000. In Vilnius University he completed his training in oral surgery (2003) and maxillofacial surgery (2006). In 2008 he acquired his Medical degree and became a double qualified oral and maxillofacial surgeon. Simonas Grybauskas passed the exams and became a Member of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh as of 2005. In 2009, he acquired PhD degree awarded by Riga Stradins University (Latvia).
Present position of Dr Simonas Grybauskas is Doctor oral and maxillofacial surgeon at “S’OS Simonas Grybauskas’ Orthognathic Surgery” and private Vilnius Kardiolita Hospital.
Dr Simonas Grybauskas has published or co-authored more than 5 scientific articles and has delivered more than 200 lectures on orthognathic and reconstructive surgery in international conferences and courses.
Dr Grybauskas is a member of the Lithuanian Association of Maxillofacial Surgery as of 2002, a member of the Baltic Association of Maxillofacial and Plastic Surgery since 2002 and a member of the European Association for Cranio–Maxillofacial Surgery starting from 2005. Dr Simonas Grybauskas hosted and directed two major Baltic Sea conferences on orthognathic surgery and orthodontics in Vilnius (2009) and Riga (2015) and organized seven training courses on orthognathic surgery and orthodontics.
Dr Grybauskas devotes most of his time to orthognathic and reconstructive surgery, maxillofacial traumatology and implantology. Differences in facial morphology among populations and their influence on planning of facial surgery is the scope of his scientific work.
Registration rates (in EUR, VAT included):
Early fee (15 May – 30 June) |
Regular fee (1 July – 5 Nov) |
Late & Onsite (6 Nov – 16 Nov) |
LOS Members |
600 |
750 |
850 |
LOS non-members |
800 |
950 |
1050 |
Students/Residents |
400 |
550 |
650 |
Registration fee includes:
- Scientific lectures (16-17 Nov 2024)
- Coffee breaks and lunches
- Gala dinner (16 Nov 2024)
- Certificate of attendance
Ways of payment:
Payments by credit card are available during registration online.
For payments by bank transfer, please use the following details:
Company name: MB “Content events”
Company code: 306688161
Company address: Šumsko str. 109, LT-02196, Vilnius
IBAN number: LT067044090111011299
Name of bank: AB SEB bankas
Bank code: 70440
Important! Please indicate the delegate’s full name, surname and invoice number in the subject of the bank transfer. The payment can be made on behalf of the participant, however do not forget to indicate the name and surname of the participant who will be attending the conference.
Refunds and cancellations, alterations
Any cancellation or alteration of your registration must be notified in writing to Conference secretariat by e-mail and will be subject to the following conditions:
Cancellation and refund policy
- Cancellations received by 30 June 2024 – full refund available with 10% administrative fee deducted.
- Cancellations received from 1 July 2024 until 5 November 2024 – 50% of paid registration fees will be refunded.
- Registrations cancelled from 6 November 2024 will not be eligible for a refund.
For any questions regarding the registration procedure please contact us at
Lithuanian Orthodontic Society recommends the following accommodation options for the conference participants. Please use the discount code indicated while contacting the hotel directly for your reservation and special price. In case of any questions, please contact the Conference Secretariat or the hotel. 2 eur city tax will be added to each room price per night.
Conveniently situated in the centre of Vilnius, Grand Hotel Vilnius, Curio Collection by Hilton provides air-conditioned rooms, a fitness centre, free WiFi and a terrace. This 5-star hotel offers room service and a 24-hour front desk. Guests can use the spa and wellness centre with an indoor pool, sauna, and hot tub, as well as a restaurant. Each room is equipped with a safety deposit box, while certain rooms include a balcony. Guest rooms in the hotel are equipped with a TV and free toiletries. Breakfast is available daily, and includes buffet, à la carte and continental options.
Address: Universiteto str. 14/2
Price per room per night including breakfast (EUR):
Single Superior: EUR 185
Single Signature: EUR 198
Single Deluxe: EUR 230
Double Signature EUR 230
Double Deluxe EUR 260.
Booking contacts: Please e-mail the hotel at
Promo code: LOS2024
Amberton is a self-managed property located in the heart of Vilnius’s Old Town, just a few steps from Cathedral Square. It offers air-conditioned rooms with flat-screen cable TVs, work desks and a free internet connection. The rooms of the Amberton feature a classic interior design with bright walls and wooden furniture. All have a safe and a minibar. Each private bathroom includes a hairdryer and either a bath or a shower. The restaurant serves European dishes and offers views of the cathedral. A Breakfast buffet is available in the restaurant in the mornings. Guests at Amberton Cathedral Square Hotel Vilnius can use electric scooters for free.
Address: L.Stuokos-Gucevičiaus str. 1
Price per room per night including breakfast (EUR):
Single room: 69 Eur
Double room: 79 Eur
Promo code: LOS2024
Set in the 19th-century building in Vilnius, Hotel Vilnia is a 3-minute walk from Gediminas’ Tower and offers a lounge bar. The property is situated next to the Vilnia River, 1 km from Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theatre and 1.4 km from Museum of Genocide Victims. The hotel offers an electric vehicle charging station. All units in the hotel are equipped with a flat-screen TV and feature heated floors. Every room includes a private bathroom with free toiletries. The units include a desk. A buffet breakfast is served every morning at the property.
Address: Maironio str. 1
Price per room per night including breakfast (EUR):
Single room – 75 eur
Double room – 87 eur
Booking contacts: Please e-mail the hotel at
Promo code: LOS2024
The Neringa Hotel is a historic landmark in Vilnius, located on central Gediminas Avenue. It was built between 1959 and 1961, and is best known for two things – its historical design value and the legendary Neringa restaurant next door. Hotel Neringa has been just recently reconstructed and now offers accommodation with or without breakfast, as well as fully equipped conference room facilities. Guests are welcome to stay in one of five categories of rooms. All rooms are equipped with high-speed wireless internet, heated floors, and individually controlled air conditioning and heating systems. Each room also comes complete with a flat screen TV, electronic safe, minibar, iron and ironing board, and in-room coffee and tea facilities. Guests can expect a warm and cosy atmosphere, attentive service, and a pleasant stay. Relax and enjoy your stay in Neringa!
Address: Gedimino av. 23
Price per room per night, breakfast and VAT included (EUR):
Single room: 80 EUR
Double room: 95 EUR
Booking: Reservations shall be sent to and the special code LOS2024 shall be mentioned for the special rates to be applied. We have pre-booked rooms for 15-18 of November. The pre-booked rooms will be kept by the hotel until the 25th of October 2024. If booking after the 25th of October the hotel will confirm reservations as per their availability.
Promo code: LOS2024
Located in the centre of Vilnius’ Old Town, Artis Centrum Hotels is set in a renovated building from the 19th century. Elegant, air-conditioned rooms are on offer. All rooms at the Artis are elegantly furnished. Guests can enjoy views of the Old Town and of Gediminas Tower. Satellite TV and free access to WiFi are also provided. Breakfast and lunch are served in the La Traviata restaurant. The second restaurant and bar, Adelia, offers a selection of European dishes and drinks. In the spa centre massages, beauty treatments, manicure and pedicure are available at a surcharge. The use of a fitness room is free for hotel’s guests.
Address: Totorių str. 23
Price per room per night, breakfast and VAT included (EUR):
Single room: 80 EUR
Double room: 90 EUR
Booking contacts: Please e-mail the hotel at
Promo code: LOS2024
If you would like assistance in booking any other hotel in the city, please contact us at
- September 1, 2024 –Abstract Submission Deadline
- October 1, 2024 –Notification of Acceptance
Abstract submission guidelines and requirements
- Submitted projects must be original research.
- All topics in orthodontics are welcome: both scientific and clinical projects.
- Both oral and poster projects are accepted.
- Previously published abstracts or already presented at another meeting at the time of abstract submission are not allowed.
- Individuals can co-author multiple abstracts. The presenting author must be the first one listed and underlined. The same presenting author cannot upload more than 3 abstracts.
- The presenter must disclose any personal or co-author potential conflict of interest.
- After evaluation, the Scientific Committee has the right to reclassify submitted abstracts into the most appropriate area of review.
- Only 6 of the best abstracts will be selected for the oral presentations.
- Systematic review abstracts are not accepted.
Technical requirements for presentations
- Submit your abstract in the English language as an MS Word document.
- Use UPPER CASE letters for the title. Abstract titles are required to be 10 words or less.
- List all authors and co-authors, with the presenter’s name first underlined (family name, first name, institution, country). It is imperative to provide an accurate long-term email address for the Presenting Author.
- Limit the body of the abstract to 300 words (excluding title and author names). Do not include references.
- Use single spacing and do not exceed one page of A4.
- If the abstract is based on research that was funded entirely or partially by an outside source, then be sure to enter the appropriate information (funding agency and grant number if applicable) when prompted during submission.
- It is the author’s responsibility to submit technically and grammatically correct abstracts. No revision or corrections will be made by the Organizers.
Content of the Abstract:
Titles, authors and authors’ affiliations are not included in the 300-word limit.
The abstract body should include:
- The goal and objectives;
- Material and methods;
- Essential results, including data and, where appropriate, statistics;
- Conclusion.
You are welcome to select your preferred mode of presentation (oral or poster). However, not all requests can be fulfilled, only 6 of the best abstracts will be selected by the Scientific Committee for the oral presentations. The final type (oral presentation or poster) of your abstract will be provided to the presenting author in the acceptance letter.
Time allowed for the presentation – up to 10 minutes; questions/answers after each presentation up to 5 minutes. Language – English, both slides and speech.
Presented on a poster board in the Exhibit Hall. The author will get the number of the poster. The poster site will be allocated according to that number.
Posters should be available for viewing on all days of the Conference. Poster measurements and reviewing time will be specified later. The presenting author must be near the poster at that time.
The best posters will be awarded with prizes!
Submission procedure and deadlines
- All abstracts should be submitted by September 1, 2024. No abstracts and any corrections will be accepted after this date.
- Abstract should be sent by e-mail as a WORD document to Please name the file of your submission accordingly: “first name_last name_ORAL/POSTER”.
- Together with abstract submission the main author is required to register for the conference using the ONLINE REGISTRATION FORM. Registration payment will be required after notification of abstract acceptance.
- Notifications of acceptance/rejection will be sent by October 1, 2024. After this date all presenting authors will be required to make a registration payment to the conference.
All abstracts should be sent to followed by the guidelines provided on this page.
Online registration is available HERE.
For any questions, please contact us at We look forward to your contributions!

Grand Hotel Vilnius, Curio Collection by Hilton
Universiteto str. 14, Vilnius, Lithuania
Conference Secretariat
Còntént Events
+370 682 48182
Registration and Abstract inquiries